Men Resources

It’s important to note that not all men walk away from relationships or families without coming back and that the reasons for any individual’s actions can be complex and varied. Each man is different. However, some possible reasons why some men may walk away from relationships or families without coming back include the following:

Fear of commitment: Some men may struggle with the idea of settling down and committing to one person or family and may feel overwhelmed or scared by the responsibilities that come with that commitment.

Communication breakdown: Communication is critical in any relationship, and if a man feels like he cannot communicate effectively with his partner or family, he may feel like walking away is the only option.

Infidelity: If a man is unfaithful to his partner, or the partner has been unfaithful, he may feel guilty or ashamed and may choose to walk away rather than face the consequences of his actions.( accept her actions)

Personal issues: Men, like everyone else, may struggle with personal and emotional problems such as mental health, addiction, or financial difficulties, which can strain their relationships and make them feel like walking away is the only solution.

Incompatibility: Sometimes, two people simply are incompatible and may find their relationship not working out, leading one or both partners to walk away. We come into the relationship with so many expectations hoping everything will work. Sometimes we compare our relationship to our parents, hoping I should be able to meet those same standards.

Many things can cause a man (or woman) to “walk away” from their family. It may be infidelity (by either person). It may be “falling out of love”. It may be a desire to get away from the responsibilities of a marriage/family. It may be a “mid-life crisis” (yes, women can get those as well). Or it could be something else entirely. Every situation must be judged on its own particulars. You can’t chalk it all up to just one thing – or even several things.

According to John Meir he says’’ My father left my mother (I was an adult at the time), because of several painful factors’’: This includes

  1. Religious differences
  2. Infidelity
  3. Pride/seeking praise from others
  4. Desire for fewer responsibilities
  5. (possibly) a mid-life crisis
  6. and probably more

For so many year I haven’t spoken with my father since. NOT because he left, but because of the manner/timing in which he left. I wasn’t traumatized by their divorce – I actually knew it would happen eventually. But the timing was extremely poorly chosen, and certain acts surrounding the timing were not the wisest of choices.

Sometimes someone leaving can be a wonderful thing, in hindsight. It can lead to learning more about your strengths, getting your life in better order, and, perhaps, meeting someone who is better for you. I know, it’s hard to see that when it happens, but it can end up that way.

Well, we can say It’s important to remember that each person and relationship is unique, and there is no one-size-fits-all answer to why some men may choose to walk away from relationships or families without coming back. However, communication and mutual understanding can go a long way in preventing these kinds of situations from arising in the first place.


There are many reasons why some men may have difficulty opening up and expressing their emotions. Here are a few common reasons:

  1. Social conditioning: Men are often socialized to believe that emotions are a sign of weakness, and that they should be tough, stoic, and self-reliant. As a result, some men may feel uncomfortable or ashamed about expressing their emotions, believing that it goes against traditional ideas of masculinity.
  2. Fear of vulnerability: Expressing emotions and being vulnerable can be challenging and scary, particularly for men who have been taught to be strong and independent. Some men may fear that opening up will make them appear weak or expose them to judgment or ridicule from others.
  3. Lack of trust: Trust is an essential element of any healthy relationship, and some men may struggle to open up because they don’t trust their partner or fear that they will be judged or rejected if they do.
  4. Trauma or past experiences: Men who have experienced trauma or difficult life experiences may find it challenging to open up and express their emotions, especially if they have learned to suppress their emotions as a coping mechanism.
  5. Lack of role models: If men haven’t had good role models who openly express their emotions, they may not have learned how to do so themselves.

It’s important to recognize that there is no one-size-fits-all answer to why men may struggle to open up and express their emotions. Each person’s experiences and challenges are unique, and there may be many different factors at play. However, by creating a safe and supportive environment, challenging traditional gender norms, and seeking help from therapists or support groups, men can learn how to open up and express their emotions in healthy and constructive ways.

Emotional expression and lead healthier, more fulfilling lives.
Further from running away from problems, or suppressing their emotion, It’s true that many men may lack good mentors when it comes to opening up and expressing their emotions. Traditional gender roles and societal expectations may discourage men from being vulnerable or seeking help, which can make it difficult for them to find role models who are comfortable with emotional expression.


Fortunately, there are a few things that men can do to help themselves learn how to open up and become more comfortable with expressing their emotions:

Seek out mentors: While it may be challenging to find male role models who are comfortable with emotional expression, they do exist. Consider seeking out mentors in your community or workplace who are open and communicative and ask them for guidance and support.

Find support networks: Joining a men’s support group or therapy group can provide a safe and supportive space for men to talk about their emotions and struggles.

Practice mindfulness and self-reflection: Taking time to reflect on your emotions and thoughts can help you become more comfortable with them. Mindfulness practices like meditation can help you become more aware of your emotions and learn how to regulate them.

Challenge traditional gender norms: It’s important to recognize that traditional gender norms may be preventing men from opening up and expressing their emotions. Challenging these norms and advocating for more gender-inclusive approaches to emotional expression can help create a more supportive environment for men.

Ultimately, it’s important for men to remember that expressing emotions and seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness. By seeking out mentors, finding support networks, and practicing mindfulness and self-reflection, men can learn how to become more comfortable with emotional expression and lead healthier, more fulfilling lives.


  1. I need to learn more about helping make clients identifying, accepting and healing their issues. Although I work with many groups, my work primarily is with the addicted population.

  2. Me personally it has nothing to do with mental issues/illness, financial difficulties nor etc…. The main reason the law needs to change when it comes to divorce because today’s modern day women Initiates 90% of divorces basically meaning the rewards for a man being married is slim to non when rewards of losing all of your assets and children in a divorce is very high.. Today’s modern day women isn’t marriage material and women killed chivalry a long time ago

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