- Provide responsible parenting education programs, like skills-based parent education and parent support and activities.
- Facilitate services to fathers with education and vocational training opportunities.
- Coordinate efforts with job improvement opportunities, job readiness initiatives, and job placement assistance.
- Disseminate information about good parenting practices, responsible fatherhood, and domestic violence and child abuse prevention.
- Provide group and individual counseling and mentorship.
- Partnership and networking with community agencies, faith-based agencies, and family advocacy. Fight against racial disparity, the unfair justice system, and police profiling.
- Understanding the dynamics of new cultural diversity trends in fatherhood
- Health and sex life the question and discussion of sex and AIDS.
- Address Complexities of family life balance and Divorce.
- Be at the forefront of eradicating diseases or mental health stigma, rent, and other community issues
Goals & Objectives
To achieve this success, we empower fathers to become successful through life skills building, family reunification, education, and career training, employment support, and child support compliance.
The Global Fatherhood Foundation Nurturing Program Campaign facilitates the delivery of a broad network of services for disconnected fathers who want to improve their capacity to provide financial and social support for their children. Activities also assist fathers in overcoming obstacles and barriers that may prohibit them from being the most effective and nurturing parents possible.
The Fatherhood Nurturing Campaign recognizes that strengthening relationships between fathers and their children enhances families’ lives, provides needed support to mothers and offers a compelling solution to breaking the cycle of poverty, educational failure, juvenile delinquency, incarceration, and the despair of fatherless children traditionally experienced.
The help achieves this; the Fatherhood Campaign offers intensive support services, parent education, Cultural Counseling and Therapy, individual and group counseling, strength-based training, and positive experiences that will empower fathers to benefit from responsible parent information and skills.
The Fatherhood Campaign requires joint efforts from key organizations (CORE members) providing valuable services and support to the community. The Campaign has partnered from its inception with CORE members designed to help meet the needs of health and human services, education, early childhood programs, maternal programs, incarcerated parents, mentoring programs, youth services, domestic violence, and other supportive efforts.
The Global Fatherhood Foundation amplifies policy priorities from a growing network of organizers to build stronger futures for the nation’s boys and young men of color. Global Fatherhood Foundation is currently championing unique culturally relevant programs to guide young men to be positive parents. Program launched in 2019 to address the fact that boys and young men of color are more likely to grow up in poverty, live in unsafe neighborhoods, have high exposure to violence and trauma, and attend schools that lack the essential resources and support that young people need to thrive.
Our services will support the community and help fathers engage fully, effectively, and responsibly in their children’s lives. We help build or grow relationships with them that are healthy, nurturing, and ongoing. Redesign Community Programs-Since 2021, we have re-imagined our mission to include diversity in health and vaccine equity, career and workforce readiness, rent assistance, and community housing stability. Our target participants are below the 150-200% federal Poverty guideline.
We provide a wide range of valuable services whether you live with them.
Men to Men Talk
Case management; -Professional fatherhood advocate provides expertise on issues facing fathers, and support for effective parenting. Fathers can also register for Fatherhood Nurturing Program
The participants are engaged in planning discussions and activities which include:
(1) The roots of fathering,
(2) Nurturing Ourselves/Our Children,
(3) Fathering Sons/Fathering Daughters,
(4) Discipline without violence,
(5) Playing with children,
(6) Managing anger/resolving conflict,
(7) Teamwork with spouse/partner,
(8) Balancing work and fathering,
(9) Communication and problem-solving,
(10) Cultural Influences,
(11) Dealing with feelings and
(12) The father I choose to be.
Paternity, Child, and Visitation Rights
If paternity is established, a father has the same rights to custody of his child as a mother does. However, if the parents cannot agree on a child custody arrangement, the Minnesota court will make a decision based on the “best interests” of the child.
Men against Domestic Violence
Men suffer many of the same effects as female victims of domestic violence. Domestic violence correlates to alcohol and drug abuse, higher rates of suicide, and depressive episodes. Men may also suffer physical injuries inflicted by intimate partners.
Work Discrimination against Men of Color
Parenting and Family Time
(Rite of Passage)/Boys Issues
Father and Daughter Conversation
Family Life Balance
When you start spending quality family time with your children, you allow them to experience and model your good behavior and habits more frequently. This is a fantastic way for children to learn first-hand about things like manners and how to interact with others positively-
Mzee Wa Kijiji Program (Elders Program)
This mediation is facilitated by elders and takes place in “an attitude of togetherness” and “in the spirit of Ubuntu.” African group mediation shows a commitment to the community and a comprehensive view of life. We use culturally Community-based specialized services available for divorcing, disconnecting, couples’ disagreements, or reuniting a father with kids. Solve family problems through cultural mediation by offering constructive processes for resolving differences and conflicts between individuals, groups, and organizations. Participants control the process and create alternatives to avoidance, destructive confrontation, prolonged litigation, or violence
Fatherhood Mental Health Trauma and Support Services
What do we know about fatherhood and mental health? Unfortunately, that is not enough. The topic of men’s mental health and well-being during the transition into the father role is wildly lacking research. This may be a reality you’re facing when exploring resources for paternal mental health. However, the good news is that emerging research is helping more men and their partners understand the unique pressures of fatherhood. We provide connections to mental health resources.